4.80(134 Ratings)

Boot Camp for General

Categories General Orientation

Course Curriculum

Overview of the DME Team
Who is the Veterans Affairs (VA) Digital Media Engagement (DME) Team? What do we do?

  • Welcome!

Working with Your Team
An overview of the tools we use and how to communicate effectively as a DME intern.

Organizational Structure
The DME Team will consist of Executive Leadership Team Members which consist of XO and an ELT, Department Head(s), and Division Officer (if applicable).

Departmental Resources
Links and resources for interns

Weekly Reports
Expectations for weekly reports, a requirement for each intern.

Intern Policies
Overview of the policy and rules for all interns.

Getting Involved
Get involved! This section explains some of the weekly events hosted in Slack.

General Bootcamp Course Completion
Complete this quiz to complete bootcamp

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 134 Ratings
111 Ratings
19 Ratings
4 Ratings
0 Rating
0 Rating
1 month ago
Good information.
1 month ago
Really great introduction to what I can expect at the DME team over this next year!
2 months ago
Good content but modules are a bit slow to load and mark complete, and would be great if the mark complete button was also on the bottom so you don't have to scroll back up if you have not clicked the button yet.
Yes, it was easy to navigate as well!
2 months ago
The course provided great information that I believe will be helpful over the course of my internship. The only critique that I have is that the organizational structure was bouncing back and forth between the new and old leadership team titles. This could become a bit confusing. Also, I was slightly confused while going over the section for the weekly reports, as one section stated that all reports are now submitted via Google Drive, but a few other sections and subtopics broke down how the reports needed to be submitted via email.
2 months ago
It was very informational and resourceful!
2 months ago
I like how organized and easy to understand this course was.
2 months ago
It was a very informative and easy-to-read onboarding process. I appreciate the details and clarity of the descriptions, and I am looking forward to getting started!
3 months ago
It was great introduction to how Slack and other components of the internship will serve and benefit the interns. Really concise and informative!
5 months ago
Excellent overview with very clear expectations.
5 months ago
All the lessons provided were helpful and clear in what is expected from an intern.
6 months ago
It helped me understand how the internship and the DME team work.
The course was great. It was not too long and had great tips to get started as an intern with DME.
6 months ago
Extremely informative and concise!
1 year ago
Very informative
1 year ago
I thought this course provided a great review.
1 year ago
Great course with helpful information!
1 year ago
Very informative!
1 year ago
It was very descriptive, and helpful!
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