Organizing a podcast and How to Organize Your Ideas for Writing Podcasts

Organizing a Podcast Piece by Piece

A podcast is something that has become tangled in some of our everyday lives. We listen to podcasts on car rides home, while cooking dinner and even while showering. It has become a way in which the world can expand on their range of knowledge and listen to stories all while going about their daily lives.

Yet, for a podcast to effectively lure in its listeners and keep them attentive as they go about their day, it must be organized. It should be organized in a way that successfully captures the listener into another reality, into the story it is telling. It must not only be organized but also interesting, clean and professional. How does one do just that, organize their ideas when writing a podcast?

When first organizing ideas for the podcast you’re envisioning; it is best to create an outline. Jot down and categorize the ideas coming to your mind. Brittany Gorski, Borne the Battle podcast intern and YouTube channel manager, recommends that you take these ideas and break them down into sections. Titling these sections may even make it easier to organize your ideas in an effective and structured manner. Start with the introduction to the podcast, adding creativity into the details and core of the story, all the way towards the conclusion of the podcast. Remember not to forget to take note of the expected length of each episode and their specific themes so that it all comes together nicely.

One important thing to keep in mind is to ensure you are writing your ideas naturally, so that it will sound fluid over audio to your listeners. Make sure it’s conversational; you do not want your script or outline to become so structured that it turns into a monotonous podcast. Keep your words creative, humorous, informative and entertaining all at the same time.

Another important aspect when organizing your ideas for a podcast is to keep in mind who your target audience is. Your audience is at the heart of the podcast. Maintaining engagement with them at all stages of the podcast will allow your podcast to be successful. While organizing and writing an outline or framework, make sure your ideas will be of use to your audience.

Ask yourself questions as you organize. Will my audience be engaged by this idea? Do my ideas flow into a natural yet entertaining conversation? Are my ideas organized from beginning to middle to end? Do my sections follow a theme?

Get feedback from others on your ideas. As Brittany recommends, this step is crucial in any creative process. While one person may be completely interested in your ideas, another person may find themselves completely confused and lost. Getting this constructive criticism from those in your target audience would be extremely beneficial in making sure you are effectively setting up your podcast for success.

Lastly, another Borne the Battle podcast transcription intern, Mary-Elizabeth McFarlen, brings up an important point on the accessibility of one’s podcast. Being able to organize your podcast in a way that allows for it to be accessible to everyone will allow it to reach more individuals. Make sure that when you are organizing your ideas, you also organize a transcript to go above and beyond.

In the end, organizing a podcast can be extremely complicated and even stressful. Beginning the process by organizing your ideas into a format or outline that effectively maps out your ideas is key. Place your ideas into sections, turn those sections into a synopsis, then slowly into a conversation that flows into a podcast worth listening to.

Writer: Madison Eberhardt

Editor: Alexander Reza, Julia Pack

Graphic Designer: Kiki Kelley

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