Ep1: Elizabeth Jefimova

DME Interns Podcast
DME Interns Podcast
Ep1: Elizabeth Jefimova

Elizabeth is currently a graduate student in the oral history Master of Art program at Columbia University in New York City. In 2019, she graduated from Macaulay’s Honor’s program at Brooklyn College, doubled majored in Chemistry and History with a double minor in biology and biochemistry. During the course of her studies, she began interviewing veterans with PTSD, both during and post-service; using her interviews, She wrote her undergraduate thesis on the effect that military masculinity and the media had on the portrayal on veterans with PTSD. Elizabeth is currently working on her graduate thesis which focuses on veterans transitioning to higher education and the obstacles that these transitions entail.

Elizabeth is excited to join the DME internship at the Department of Veteran Affairs as a writing intern.

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